Senin, 20 Juli 2015

I tell you, "go tell her"

The bad part for not showing your love is the possibility that...
He may marry somegirl who is amazing, and she’s not you. 
I dont know why love’d rather be left unspoken, how bad things or good things will come following this decision. You may lose her/him.You will have to accept that she will be someone’s love. And also bad thing is she may never knew abot your feeling. Why dont you wonder if she also feels the same way with you, she may love you too, but she thinks you dont feel the same. How tragic it will become. Two people who fall to each other but cant be together because of untold feeling. Because sometimes, love someone who doesnt love you back is such a damn really bad thing. It could be so desperating, frustating. Being unloved is the most unwanted thing to be in the world. Everyone should believe that there is someone who will love her back. Accept her with her own self. Love things she hate about her self. Make her feels worthy no matter how she feels bad about her self. Someone who never give up on her. Have her back. Guide her to find path on her vision. Never be bad to her. Just do the good things, together. Be a happiest couple with no worry about breaking up. Have no bad thought because they have faith on each other. Stand by each other and tell “no matter how hard it will became, i believe we can go through it all, we are a partner, a team, noone can join or separate us.”

Jumat, 03 Juli 2015

introduce myself

ENFP Traits - “The Inspirers”

Positive Traits:
  • Fun loving & lots of fun to be around
  • Free-spirited
  • Deeply caring and concerned for others
  • Very perceptive and insightful about people’s thoughts and motives – gifted at understanding others
  • Friendly and open – people are drawn to them
  • Warmhearted and genuinely kind
  • Typically possess a great sense of humor
  • Generally very funny
  • Supportive and encouraging
  • Good communicators
  • Extremely motivational and inspirational
  • Tend to bring out the best in others
  • Affectionate and affirming
  • Lively, dramatic, energetic, enthusiastic
  • Their passion and enthusiasm are contagious
  • Optimistic
  • Typically loyal and dedicated
  • Driven to help others and meet needs
  • Always looking for the “perfect relationship”
  • View life as a special gift and strive to make the most of it
  • Broad range of skills, talents – good at almost anything that interests them
  • Often have ability to “talk their way out of anything”
  • Usually possess strong, consistent values that they adhere strictly to
  • Need to feel that they are living their lives as their true selves and in accordance with what they feel is right
  • Continually striving to achieve inner peace
  • Emotionally excitable
  • Often intense individuals
  • Value and need alone time to sort things out in their minds
  • Possess strong people skills – genuinely interested in others
  • Place great importance on their personal relationships
  • Flexible and easygoing
  • Strong ability to intuitively perceive truths about people and situations
  • Live in a world of exciting possibilities
  • Are basically happy people
  • Alert and sensitive – constantly scanning their environments
  • Strong need to be independent – they resist being controlled or labeled
  • Have no desire to control others and dislike the idea of doing so
  • Charming
  • Risk-takers
  • Generally well-liked
Negative Traits:
  • Tend to occasionally make serious errors in judgment – when they apply their less developed judgment to their highly develop intuitions, they may jump to the wrong conclusion
  • Can, at times, be overly anxious and worrisome
  • Tend to get bored easily
  • Can be impulsive (menuruti kata hati)
  • Prone to hold onto bad relationships for far too long
  • Their enthusiasm may cause them to be unrealistic
  • Not good with or interested in dealing with mundane daily tasks such as paying bills, cleaning, etc.
  • Strongly dislike conflict and criticism
  • May not pay enough attention to their own needs
  • Continual search for the “perfect relationship” may cause them to change partners frequently
  • May (falsely) come off as directionless wanderers to onlookers
  • Tendency to not follow through on projects, usually because they get excited about a new project and abandon the first for the second – this may become a problematic cycle
  • May be overly concerned with being liked
  • Not good with detailed-related tasks
  • Always seeing the possibility of what could be often causes them become bored with what actually is 

Senin, 23 Maret 2015

But not like this :(

Confession (pengakuan)

Hm, temenku aja ga sampe sejam uda nyariin, tapi kamu? Tau kok kamu sibuk, tapi sehari lo ada ratusan menit buat bisa sekedar nanyain aku........

Kamu pasti mikir apa sih, gabisa ta temenan biasa, ribet amat. Ya kamu pasti males kalo sampai gara-gara ini aku jadi menjauh. Soalnya ini bakal ngerugiin kamu karena kamu pengen punya teman banyak buat network kamu

Aku gatau kudu gimana.
Aku wes biasa sih bertepuk sebelah tangan. Kamu jangan kasian ma aku, aku gapapa kok, itu resiko sendiri nyukain kamu, tapi aku seneng bisa belajar dari kamu
Maafin yaa. Tapi perlu waktu buat bisa biasa lagi ke kamu. Kamu tau kalo aku tipikal cewek yang gabakal lupain orang about my dreams?
Because you are all i see
Kita bakal kemah bareng kan like we have planned
And you let me lie on your shoulder
Aku uda beli baju. Tanya aja semua temenku.
Aku kalo beli baju mesti tanya ini cocok gak buat ke alam. Soalnya pergi ma kamu itu yg bener2 aku inginin
Aku takut. Aku takut ngajak-ngajak kamu pergi lagi. Soalnya kayaknya kamu ga nyanan ma aku kayak pas terakhir kita ngejus. Berapa kali sih aku bilang kangen ke kamu. Berapa kali sih aku sok-sokan ngilang. Kamu pasti ga nyadar dan nganggep serius. Pas kamu bilang kamu pengen sweater, aku seneng banget soalnya berarti aku ada alesan beliin kamu sweater biar bisa ketemu kamu.

Pasti kamu ga nyangka bikin cewek sampe kayak gini. Alay bgt uda kayak anak smp. Tapi mah gimana lagi, aku emang bukan tipe org yg bisa nyampein perasaanku dengan baik. Malu aku belajar psikologi tapi gabisa manage perasaan.

Hm kamu gak sayang aku ta?
Aku tau perasaan itu fluktuatif
Aku tau pelukmu di jatimfair uda ga bisa dikorelasiin sama perasanmu sekarang. Tapi apa kamu sama skali ga ngrasa nyaman saat itu? Apa lagi-lagi hanya aku sendiri yang rasa.
Apa kamu perlu menunggu aku untuk menyerah baru kamu bisa merasakannya?
Jika memang ku yang harus mengerti
Mengapa cintamu tak dapat ku miliki
Adakah diriku singgah di hatimu
Dan bilakah kau tau...kau lah yg ada di hatiku
Indri ceritanya mau ngoment post ini tapi gapunya akun, malah dikirim line. Duh terharu :'3
He peng... sudah poo galaunya. kamu lo ga capek ta setiap hari mikirin dia yang mungkin ga mikirin kamu balik. Dia lo care ta sama kamu? nyadarooo... kamu lo uda dibuat sedih berapa kali sama dia?? pernah ta dia minta maaf? inisiatif buat ngasih kabar aja kalo nggak dipancing ya nggak ngasih. Mau sampek kapan kamu kayak gini terus? kamu lo nunjukin kalo kamu itu lemah kalo nggak sama dia. Tapi liaten apa yang sudah dia lakuin ke kamu? gak sebanding sama apa yang kamu lakuin ke dia. Aku emang gatau gimana perasannya dia yang sebenernya ke kamu makanya aku marah, tapi aku tau dan bisa ngrasain apa yang kamu rasain dan itu juga buat aku marah. kenapa? biasanya Venta yang mesti ngguyu, mbanyol, konyol lah kok sekarang jadi sedihan,galauan,baperan. Aku kasian sama kamu, Peng wes Peng... Sadarooo wes ndang bangkit ojok lemah terus. Eman lek kamu tetep merjuangin dia tapi gak ngrubah apapun... Mau sampek kapan kayak gini terus? peng aku sama anak-anak suayang lo sama kamu. Kita lo ngrasa akhir-akhir ini kamu berubah :( sudahan ya sedihnya :( bawa kecerian buat kita peng :) Love you dari aku, Nelil, Dini, Sabil, Novita sama semua orang yang sayang sama kamu ❤

Minggu, 22 Maret 2015

Looking into my eyes


my playlist

Im hanging on a line here baby
I need more than ifs and maybes

Even when all lights are fading
Even then, your hope was shaking
Im here holding on.

I still drown in your love
And drink till im drunk

Now here we are, so close yet so far

The world is ours if you want it
You can take it, if you just take my hand

You were all i want
But not like this :(

And im here to sing about the things that matter

I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel

Illusion never changed into something real
I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn

Im not fine, Im in pain, its harder everyday

Someday i promise ill be gone
And i might sing this song

You're a little late, I'm already torn. Torn

And i dont think that i have strenght to let you go

All you had to do was stay, had me in the palm of your hand

Cause if you want to keep me
You gotta love me harder

You only know you loved her when you let her go

And all that i've done, is it ever enough?
Mungkin sekarang ini aku memang belum pantas untuk disayang dan mungkin semua hal yang kulakukan selama ini belum cukup untuk membuatku berarti di matamu. Aku masih harus belajar lagi 😃

Kamis, 11 Desember 2014

20 things about me if you have a time to read

1. The first important one to be mentioned is......i call my self as QUOTES FREAK! that's because im crazy at collecting stuff that contain any quotes, anything about quotes. so thankful for we heart it, tumblr, and pinterest to satisfy my desire

2. Please tell me if you like taylor swift's/1D's/secondhad serenade's/simple plan's song.... because i love those shits so much. i just cant take it out from  my playlist

3. Talking much about sweet romantic things, use feeling a little bit more than normal people, easily affected

4. Pro-stalker. care too much when find someone attractive

5. Sometimes over-reacting, ga bisa diem and once called as "Alive Radio" by pak bemo because i was talking non stop all the way home -_-

6. Gampang nerima saran/ajakan, makanya jadi labil, nurutan, rada ga konsisten, moody, dan gampang lupa kalo lagi mara -_-

7. Oh ya! I have these two bestfriends who accept me as who i am, who critic me slightly when i do something wrong, even at small thing, they always keep and save me :')

8. Suka sungkan ngomong sama orang baru yang keliatan lebi superior, asli minderan. but once get close....i cant stop sharing my story

9. Always wonder about having good relationship, happy family and better life in the future, these things keep me motivated

10. Not born as a leader, but when there is no one to handle it, i'll take the responsibility.

11. Personality profile: Extrovert, Intuitive,  Feeling, Perceiving, have best intelegence score at Intrapersonal & interpersonal.a sanguine-plegmatic (although i wish to be a melancholic)

12. Seriously, i have so many DIY ideas but none of them was done. please, is there somebody who wanna make it with me?

13. Wanna be brave, confident and risk-taker, wanna go out from my comfort zone

14. Want to travel so much, envy sama yang bisa sering jalan-jalan, ajakin aku, please?

15. It’s little bit unimportant, but i will be so glad if i know that you’re geminis. its just like i found my twins. someone who has so many similarity with me. and i will be so comfortable with you just like my own sibling

16. A psychology student, wanna be a conselour to help people solve their problem, eh atau jadi psikolog anak biar jadi ibu yang baik? ato manajer hrd -_-

17. Kadang dibully tapi lebi sering membully, sering  ngrasa bersala abis ngomong ngawur ke orang, lagi brusaha jadi anak baik, maapin ya rek

18. Dream about having cute factory like 'joger' that sell anything about quotes

19. Have a big insecurity with a good looking and well dressed girl. But rather be my true self,  feel comfortable being how i am, try to be the best version of my self

20. At least, im so glad to know people like you all guys, maybe it will be awkward to start conv with me, but actually i'm a warm friend who like share and listen to your story :)