Kamis, 11 Desember 2014

20 things about me if you have a time to read

1. The first important one to be mentioned is......i call my self as QUOTES FREAK! that's because im crazy at collecting stuff that contain any quotes, anything about quotes. so thankful for we heart it, tumblr, and pinterest to satisfy my desire

2. Please tell me if you like taylor swift's/1D's/secondhad serenade's/simple plan's song.... because i love those shits so much. i just cant take it out from  my playlist

3. Talking much about sweet romantic things, use feeling a little bit more than normal people, easily affected

4. Pro-stalker. care too much when find someone attractive

5. Sometimes over-reacting, ga bisa diem and once called as "Alive Radio" by pak bemo because i was talking non stop all the way home -_-

6. Gampang nerima saran/ajakan, makanya jadi labil, nurutan, rada ga konsisten, moody, dan gampang lupa kalo lagi mara -_-

7. Oh ya! I have these two bestfriends who accept me as who i am, who critic me slightly when i do something wrong, even at small thing, they always keep and save me :')

8. Suka sungkan ngomong sama orang baru yang keliatan lebi superior, asli minderan. but once get close....i cant stop sharing my story

9. Always wonder about having good relationship, happy family and better life in the future, these things keep me motivated

10. Not born as a leader, but when there is no one to handle it, i'll take the responsibility.

11. Personality profile: Extrovert, Intuitive,  Feeling, Perceiving, have best intelegence score at Intrapersonal & interpersonal.a sanguine-plegmatic (although i wish to be a melancholic)

12. Seriously, i have so many DIY ideas but none of them was done. please, is there somebody who wanna make it with me?

13. Wanna be brave, confident and risk-taker, wanna go out from my comfort zone

14. Want to travel so much, envy sama yang bisa sering jalan-jalan, ajakin aku, please?

15. It’s little bit unimportant, but i will be so glad if i know that you’re geminis. its just like i found my twins. someone who has so many similarity with me. and i will be so comfortable with you just like my own sibling

16. A psychology student, wanna be a conselour to help people solve their problem, eh atau jadi psikolog anak biar jadi ibu yang baik? ato manajer hrd -_-

17. Kadang dibully tapi lebi sering membully, sering  ngrasa bersala abis ngomong ngawur ke orang, lagi brusaha jadi anak baik, maapin ya rek

18. Dream about having cute factory like 'joger' that sell anything about quotes

19. Have a big insecurity with a good looking and well dressed girl. But rather be my true self,  feel comfortable being how i am, try to be the best version of my self

20. At least, im so glad to know people like you all guys, maybe it will be awkward to start conv with me, but actually i'm a warm friend who like share and listen to your story :)

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